Annoying Shit
1. flood lights
2. rap sux, the popularity killz me....i cant get away from it
3. foriegn languages
4. mountain dew
5. people who smoke need to just die, cigarettes need to fall out of existance
6. linda needs to shut her mouth
7. danielle needz to die too
8. diandra needz to quit askin me out
9. diandra needs to quit askin me to move in with her
10. danielle needz to quit proposing to me
11. alicia needz to quit being a bitch
12. bodily piercings should have never been invented
13. amanda iz just plain stupit
14. people need to quit tellin other people what im sayin
15. blackmail getz u nowhere special
16. the bigger the speakerz in yer car, the smaller the brain in your head
17. a guestbook iz no place for hatemail
18. cut and paste iz kool, but not in IMs
19. save an internet convo, goes back to the blackmail thing
20. guyz who think they are all that
21. girlz who think they are all that
22. the word "nigga"
23. the word "thong"
24. people who insist that their life should end
25. people who take my razor blades
26. boy bands
27. my grandma being so goddamn nosey
28. the whole weed craze
29. dance clubs
30. "wiggers"
31. faggots
32. gangs
33. bitchez
34. people who don't understand sarcasim
35. techno bands (moby, fatboyslim)
36. people who dont know what they're talking about
37. people who talk too damn much
38. wannabe's
39. religion freaks
40. jimmy never being around
41. kris being an ass
42. hanson
43. whores
44. people who thing Blink 182 is a boy band
45. anti-poetry people
46. anti-anti rap people
47. horse riding people
48. circus midgets
49. girls who will NEVER put out
50. lesbians who won't let you watch
51. overplayed songs
52. radio (exception: ohio at night)
53. teenage suicide
54. old people
55. competitive people
56. y2k bug
57. people who believed in Y2k
58. sega
59. not having a good computer
60. not having a good car
61. fear of flying
62. people over 30 who date minors
63. really bright lights
64. sobriety
65. abstinence
66. hang-overs
67. over-exageration
68. people who can't talk right
69. when the middle finger lever is broke on someone
70. pedestrians
71. little kids
72. girls who fake orgasm
73. girls who fake pregnancy
74. impotence
75. people who try to "buy" other people
76. military
77. windows 95
78. typos
79. emoticons :)
80. error 404 object not found
81. slow connections
82. scratched cds
83. stolen cds
84. stolen stuff
85. people who try to sell you stolen stuff at regular price
86. people who rip you off
87. lemons (cars)
88. groin pains
89. unneeded erections
90. weak mosh pits
91. raves
92. warm beer
93. poisonous shit
94. .hippie shit - reggae music, hemp shit, & lack of deodorant
95. smelly stuff (exceptions: pussy)
96. serious comercials
97. live music
98. face painting (exception: icp)
99. i want my motherfucking dookie cd back.... dammit
100. dry fucking
101. lack of head
102. lack of brain
103. masturbation
104. illiteracy
105. bad movies
106. people who believe what other people say (rumors)
107. pokemon
108. impatient people
109. slow drivers
110. depressed people (nell)
111. wooden drivers
112. very skimpie clothing (rather have none)
113. ambercrombie and fitch
114. ignorant people
115. black hoes
116. white hoes
117. dirty hoes
118. garden hoes
119. dirty cars
120. things that arent potty trained
121. people who dont flush it...
122. people who miss it
123. napster haters
124. porn with too much dick (no dicks in pics)
125. non-violent people videos
126. preverts
127. STD's
128. people who cant park
129. people who cant drive
130. people who just dont think before acting
131. snobby people
132. A (acronyms)
133. girls who justify cheating
134. people who justify anything
135. bad relationships
136. KKK
137. devil worshiping
138. witchcraft (for morons)
139. constant fucking questions
140. PMS
141. people who can't think for themselves
142. soap operas
143. talk shows
144. people who repeat themselves
145. people who repeat themselves
146. anti-foreplay people
147. bright ass lights
148. preps